Easy Productivity Hacks for Sales Professionals

If you do the hacks I’ve listed below, your numbers will go up and you will immediately get more out of your career. So much of the work you’re doing is hard, and not within your control, but these are. You will be a better Seller in literally 5 minutes if you do the below steps. I’m not going to try and sell you further on them, here we go:

  • Remove Facebook, Instagram, any Social Media platform from your phone
    • I don’t care what you say about how you only check it once a day or you don’t check it at all, just delete it and be better at your job right away.
  • Turn off push notifications
    • Same goes for push notifications. They will make you immediately distracted. Remove them you don’t need them.
  • Put your phone in Do Not Disturb or Airplane mode
    • Same goes for text message distractions or robocalls or calls from your parents that stress you out.
  • Check your activity numbers and update your pipeline every morning
    • You want to be close to your numbers and your deals first, so you can close them and understand the urgency of each piece, but second so when you go into one on ones, your boss knows your on your shit. Go through this every morning and update your pipeline.
  • On Sunday, set a large goal for the week
    • Set a larger goal that will take multiple days of work that you want to accomplish. Read my post on appropriate goal setting here. But make it something you can cross off, but big enough that it can’t be completed in a days or a couple days work. Learn the pitch for the new product, finish that giant proposal you have that is due in 2 weeks, just get that big thing done with this goal.
  • The night before, set an intention/goal for the following day
    • Each day you NEED to feel like you got something done, or you will go home unsatisfied and miserable with your job. Set an intention, like, send 100 prospecting emails, practice pitch for an hour, put together a proposal for TaylorMade, etc.. set this smaller goal and then block off time to cross it off each morning. It can be small or medium-sized, but no bigger. Just make sure it’s something you can get done that day depending on how you’re feeling, and your current schedule. Put it at the top of your calendar for the next day before you go to bed.
  • Schedule at least an hour of prospecting every day – no exceptions
    • Prospecting hours are the reason why your pipeline stays full. You need to do at least an hour of this every day, and in many occupations more. Make sure you schedule an hour at the same time every day, and do not allow anyone to interrupt you during this time. Put in your headphones. Close your inbox. And prospect. It is critical to not respond to email or keep those notifications in your face. If you do, they will distract your time prospecting, and you will get to the end of the week, and realize you only did half as much time as you needed to.
  • Schedule your breaks
    • Schedule your lunch. Schedule walking breaks or coffee breaks, whatever you prefer. But make sure you schedule them to keep you on task. This helps you not get as distracted while you’re in a prospecting block

Congratulations to you for reading these, seriously. You are already better at your job for adapting these easy productivity tricks and scheduling your time better.

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